The World of Pornography from the Inside

In the Name of Allah, All Praise is due to Allah, and Peace and Blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and upon his family and companions.

This article is about a young man who was deeply involved in pornography but then repented and got married. However, the effects of this sin stayed with him, leading to the destruction of his marriage. He shares insights about the hidden world of pornography that many people might not be aware of.

This young man began watching pornography at the age of 15 as a way to satisfy his desires and continued doing so until he reached 25. At that time, he met a good friend who guided him toward the mosque and worship. He became committed to prayer and stopped watching pornography, but despite his devotion to prayer and reading the Quran, he struggled to remain steadfast and eventually returned to it after a few months.

He would repent at times and relapse at others, continuing in this cycle until he reached the age of 28. At that point, he decided to quit pornography entirely and got married, hoping that marriage would be the solution to his lustful desires. Unfortunately, his marriage lasted only a few months before both he and his wife decided to divorce.

He explains that the pornographic films he used to watch portrayed illicit acts in a highly exaggerated and unrealistic way, making them appear enjoyable and pleasurable. When he tried to replicate what he saw in real life, he found that the reality was entirely different—some acts were exhausting, some unenjoyable, and others repulsive or harmful. Pornography presented everything as wonderful, but in reality, it was far from that. This stark contrast between fantasy and reality left him shocked and deeply disillusioned.

Additionally, the ideas he absorbed from pornography contributed to the deterioration of his relationship with his wife. Porn depicted certain acts as being acceptable and desirable, while in reality, they were uncomfortable and harmful to his wife. This disconnect caused his wife to grow distant from him, eventually leading to their divorce.

The young man also highlights that pornography doesn’t just portray immoral behavior in an exaggerated manner; it plants toxic ideas in the minds of viewers, gradually leading them into bizarre and deviant sexual obsessions. A viewer might start by watching seemingly normal sexual content, but as time passes, they find themselves drawn to more abnormal and unconventional acts. For instance, they might be exposed to sadism or masochism.

A masochist is someone who enjoys being humiliated during sexual activity, while a sadist derives pleasure from humiliating their partner. Pornography starts by depicting these acts in a sexual context, but eventually pushes viewers to enjoy these behaviors even outside of a sexual context. Over time, the viewer may find themselves drawn into increasingly extreme behaviors, accepting ideas and actions that are far from the norm, which could ultimately destroy their family life.

It doesn’t stop there. Pornography also promotes even more dangerous ideas, such as incest, where relationships between family members are depicted in a way that normalizes these perverse concepts to viewers.

This young man stresses that the impact of pornography goes beyond mere physical gratification; it implants dangerous ideas that take root in a person’s heart and mind. Watching such content is not a harmless pastime—it can destroy marriages and erode a person’s sense of self-worth, making it difficult for them to build a healthy family.

To anyone who finds themselves trapped in this cycle, I say: Do not lose hope. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah has not sent down a disease except that He has also sent down its cure.” We will discuss in a future episode the practical steps to break free from this addiction. I also encourage anyone who has successfully escaped this harmful cycle to share their experience with us through the link provided below the video. Rest assured, your message will remain confidential.

And for those who are still caught in this sin: If you cannot completely escape it yet, try at least to lessen the burden of your sins. Do not compound the sin of acting upon your desires with the sin of watching pornography. Some evils are lesser than others.

Fast, reduce your food intake, and turn to Allah with sincere prayer. After each sin, repent and do not tire of doing so, for Allah does not tire of accepting your repentance until you tire of asking. Continual repentance and sincerity with Allah will be your path to finally breaking free from this burden, by His will.

I ask Allah to protect us all from trials, both apparent and hidden.

All praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon you.

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The World of Pornography from the Inside
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