Who said that the Ash’aris are infidels?


In the name of Allah, all praise is due to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. Afterward,

One of the esteemed sheikhs asked me to document the statements of the kafirun regarding the Ash’ariyyah, and I responded to his request.

Then it seemed appropriate to publish this research and make it available to everyone, in response to the group that tests the people of Sunnah with their opinion of the Ash’ariyyah. As we have seen, this was done by the interference of Daesh and recently by the Madjannah [[1]], making the Ash’ariyyah the imams of religion, and their innovators the bid’ah. Let alone those who disbelieve them, as they describe them as outsiders. Some even called them hypocrites, and others included them among the disbelieving secularists. Those who took up arms against them deemed their blood permissible and killed them, as I have demonstrated in video recordings. All this compelled me to present these statements, so that people know these groups have innovated and disbelieved among the scholars.

Since we are in a time where we need to clarify what the rational thinkers see as obvious truths, I must point out that I am not presenting my opinion, as is clear from the title. This is not a research to resolve the issue of their disbelief or to present the prevailing opinion on it. Therefore, I will not convey from those who do not declare them as disbelievers, nor will I mention what is prevailing in my view. Not everyone I have quoted is a verbatim transmission, as I adopt their statements or agree with every opinion, statement, or action of theirs. Instead, this is a collection of the kafirun’s statements as seen in the title.


I will not mention in this research those who lived before their emergence and were judged on their beliefs (such as Kunfi al-Alawi and the Creation of the Quran). Instead, I will mention those who spoke after their emergence. However, I have omitted many statements in this section because they are not explicit, such as those who described them as Jahmiyyah.

Those whose statements I will transmit fall into two categories: those who explicitly declared them as disbelievers by name, and those who mention their apostasy indirectly by referencing their statements.

And Allah is the source of success.



Those Who Explicitly Declared Them as Disbelievers by Name


The Hanbali School in the Time of the Ash’aris

Abu al-Fida’ Al-Mu’ayyad said: “The Ash’ariyyah revealed their doctrine and established it, making their discourse the most famous discussions. The majority of the Hanbali scholars rule them as disbelievers and permit their blood, and the blood of those who speak according to their statements.” «Al-Mukhtasar fi Akhbar al-Bashar» (2/90)

Al-Hafiz Abu Abdullah Ibn Manda (d. 395 AH)

He explicitly declared them as Zinadqah: “These are the characteristics of the Ash’ari Zinadqah, who emerged in this era, abandoned the Quran and the Sunnah, relied on analogy, and stated with their foolish minds what contradicts the Sunnah.” Message titled «Majlis fi al-Radd ‘ala al-Zinadqah» (p.6)[[2]]

And he said (p.6): “Contrary to what the Ash’ari Zinadqah claimed, to those followers of knowledge who adhere to the Quran and Sunnah.”

And he said (p.9): “We say: Whoever claims that a letter in the Quran from the disjointed parts, such as: ‘ألم’ and ‘حَم عسق’ and similar, is not the word of Allah, and that the words of Allah do not contain letters, and that this is the speech of Gabriel: they have stated in ‘The Creation of the Quran’ that ‘Their way is the way of idol worshippers,'”

Then he said (p.11): “And this is the characteristic of the Ash’aris, saying: ‘Our words in the Quran are created, and what is read and recited is a narration from the speech of Allah, and that what is between the two covers their letters are created.’ They say that the Quran is created without explicit declaration.”

Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Mazda’an Al-Nahawandi (d. 387 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “I heard Ahmad ibn Hamza and Abu Ali Al-Haddad saying: ‘We found Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Nahawandi denying the people of Kalam and declaring the Ash’ariyyah as disbelievers.'” [Dhim al-Kalam (J4p404) Note: They omitted this statement from some editions]

And Ibn al-Mubarrad in «Jama’ al-Juyush»: “Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Nahawandi was a noble imam, mentioned by Abu Ali Al-Haddad, his stature was great, and he was a denier of the people of Kalam and declared the Ash’ariyyah as disbelievers.”

A thousand and four scholars

Al-Harawi said (J4p404): “I heard Ahmad ibn Hamza saying: When the estrangement between Al-Nahawandi and Abu al-Fawaris intensified, they asked Abu Abdullah al-Dinuri; he said: ‘I found a thousand sheikhs in the state of Al-Nahawandi.'”

Al-Junaid (Imam of Sufism) (d. 410 AH)

Al-Harawi said (J4p418): “I heard Ismail ibn Ahmad Al-Bashuzqani, the jurisprudent, saying: ‘I heard Al-Junaid ibn Muhammad Abu Saad Al-Khatib declaring the Ash’aris as Zinadqah.'”

Yahya ibn Ammar ibn Ibn al-Anbas (d. 422 AH)

“Imam of Hadith, preacher, Shaykh of Sijistan” [[3]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p411): “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah.”

Abu Tahir Mityar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Hafiz Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahid Al-Daqaq said about him: “I have never seen a man better than him in attacking the people of bid’ah.” [[6]]

He narrated from Al-Dashti saying:

“The Ash’aris are misguided Zinadqah brothers … from ‘Abd al-Uzza with Al-Lat, … They disbelieved in their lord, openly and in their statements … If you ponder over it, the articles are worse … They deny that they affirmed their beginning with their actions … the beliefs of the people are from delusions.”

Hibal ibn Ahmad Al-Mulabbab “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

And Ibn al-Mubarrad in «Jama’ al-Juyush»: “Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi, Hibal ibn Ahmad, Imam of the people of Tirmidhi, was associated with them, declaring them as Zinadqah.”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said (J4p411): “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

And he said Al-Harawi (J4p413): “I heard Bilal ibn Abu Mansur Al-Mu’adhdhani saying: I heard Umar ibn Ibrahim saying: ‘Sacrifices of the Ash’aris are not permissible; for they are not Muslims, nor people of the Book, nor do they uphold the Book of Allah on earth.'”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hibal ibn Ahmad Al-Muttayar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I heard Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others, saying: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.”

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mulabbab “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Mityar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Hamal ibn Ahmad Al-Mutayyir “Sif al-Sunnah” [[5]]

Al-Harawi said (J4p408): “And I heard my father say: I heard Abu al-Muzaffar Al-Tirmidhi – he is Hibal ibn Ahmad – Imam of the people of Tirmidhi: ‘He declares them as Zinadqah.'”

Abu Tahir Matyar ibn Ahmad Al-Rustumi Al-Asbahani (d. 469 AH)

Al-Harawi said: “And I saw Yahya ibn Ammar countless times on his pulpit declaring them as disbelievers and cursing them, and declaring Abu al-Hasan al-Ash’ari as Zinadqah, and likewise I saw Umar ibn Ibrahim and our sheikhs.”

Abu Nasr Al-Sajzi (d. 444 AH)

He said: “Abu Muhammad ibn Kilab and those who agreed with him, the Ash’ariyyah and others: (The Quran is not created, and whoever says it is created is a disbeliever unless Allah does not speak in Arabic, nor in any other language, and Allah’s speech does not involve organization, composition, succession, nor is it a letter or a sound.) It has become clear from what they said that the Quran they deny the creation of is not in Arabic, nor does it have a beginning or an end. They deny the Arabic Quran and that it is the speech of Allah, declaring it a disbeliever by consensus of the jurists, and they affirm that the Quran has neither a beginning nor an end, declaring it a disbeliever by their consensus.” [His letter to the people of Zubaid (p.154)]

Tariq Awad Allah Hadith Science Hot News | Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Barak - Page 1 Abdul Rahman Al-Barak General Abdul Rahman Al-Aaid Tazkiyah Personal Correspondence Series of Imam Al-Muhaqiq Abdul Rahman ibn Yahya Al-Mu'allimi ... Abdul Rahman Al-Mu’allimi Hadith Sciences, Refuting Opponents Abdul Rahman Dimashqiyah Refuting the Ash’aris Dr. Abdul Razzaq bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Badr by Norhan El Sayed Mohamed on ... Abdul Razzaq Al-Badr Explanations of the Salaf’s Books Abdul Aziz Al-Turifi (@abdulaziztarefe) | Twitter Abdul Aziz Al-Turifi General Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh General Al-Alamah Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Khudair - The Coming Danger by alezzatu on ... Abdul Karim Al-Khudair General Amer Mufleh Abdulrahman Al-Kufhi | Umm Al-Qura for Employment and Training Rabee’ Al-Madkhali Hadith Sciences, Refuting Al-Ghazali Sami Al-Amiri Refuting Atheists and Christians Saad Al-Humaid Hadith Sciences, and more Saad Al-Shathri His Books and Verifications Masterpieces of Sheikh Saeed Al-Kamali (@saeedalkamali11) | Twitter Saeed Al-Kamali General Saed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani Not specified, his books generally Safar Al-Hawali Creed, Refuting Deviant Groups Saleh Al-Suhaimi General Saleh Al-Usaymi General About the Sheikh | Saleh Al-Sheikh Saleh Al-Sheikh Explanations of Creed Books, and more Saleh Abdulaziz Sandy Refuting Ash’aris


Ibn Hazm (d. 456 AH)

He dedicated a chapter in “Al-Milal wa al-Nihal” (J4p155) and began discussing them, saying, “As for the Ash’aris, they were in Baghdad and Basra.”

Then he transmitted their statements and repeatedly declared them as disbelievers, and these are his phrases:

This is true disbelief and contrary to Allah Almighty and all the people of Islam”(4/156)

“By Allah, this is greater than the saying of the Christians and I have entered into disbelief and polytheism(4/157)

“And Al-Samnani said about his sheikhs from the Ash’aris… This is the exact word of his speech, letter by letter, and this is explicit disbelief and blatant polytheism… Then the accursed increased in disbeliefThis is polytheism without any concealment(4/158)

“And the text of Al-Samnani and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Furq in the beginning of his speech in the Book of Fundamentals… Allah Almighty about disbelieving this foolish person(4/158)

“And Al-Baqalani said… This is mere disbelief(4/159)

“Although their statements are not for Allah Almighty except a single word of foolish saying… They say to them, ‘The Quran is not, to us at all, the word of Allah Almighty,’ or ‘It is not the word of Allah Almighty,’ so if they say ‘It is not the word of Allah Almighty,’ they are disbelievers(4/159)

“How can these ignorant people say that there is no word for Allah Almighty except their foolish statement, whereas this is cold and malicious disbelief”(4/159)

“And they all said that the Quran did not descend at all through Gabriel upon the heart of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, but rather it descended to him through something else, which is expressing the word of Allah and that the Quran is not in our hands at all except in this metaphor. We see it in the manuscripts, hear it from the reciters, read it in prayer, and memorize it in our hearts; it is not the Quran at all, nor anything of it is the word of Allah Almighty, but something else. And the word of Allah Almighty does not depart from His essence. Abu Muhammad said: This is among the greatest disbelief(4/159)

“Therefore, this group’s statement in this matter is the ultimate disbelief in Allah Almighty, contradicting the Quran, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and all the people of Islam before the emergence of this cursed sect(4/160)

“Al-Samnani said… This is the exact word of this deviant atheist letter by letter, and this is pure disbelief and stupidity… And also explicit disbelief in this cursed statement…”(4/161)

“Regarding this matter, Prince Mahmoud bin Sibtakin, the slave of Prince Al-Mu’minin and the owner of Kharas San, may Allah have mercy on him, ibn Furq, the sheikh of the Ash’aris, was killed. May Allah reward Mahmoud well for that and curse ibn Furq, his followers, and his adherents. Abu Muhammad said: They only carried them into blatant disbelief by their final statement against the guidance of Islam”(4/162)

Abu Ismail Al-Harawi (481 AH)

“Sheikh of Khorasan in his time. One of the great Hanbalis. He was proficient in language, memorious of hadith, exhibiting the Sunnah and calling to it. He was tested and oppressed”[[8]]

He transmitted statements – which came to us a short while ago – declaring their disbelief, using them as arguments.

Sharif Abu Ja’far Abdul Khaleq ibn Isa Al-Hashimi Al-Hanbali (411 AH – 470 AH) and the Hanbalis of His Time

In a gathering, he pointed to Al-Qushayri and those with him and said: “What reconciliation can there be between us? Reconciliation only happens between those who disagree on guardianship, or worldly matters, or disputes over ownership. As for these people: they claim that we are disbelievers, and we claim that anyone who does not believe what we believe is a disbeliever, so what reconciliation can there be between us?”[[9]]

The Hanbalis in the Time of Al-Ghazali (d. 505 AH)

Al-Ghazali said: “The Hanbalis declare the Ash’aris as disbelievers, claiming that he (the Ash’ari) lied about the affirmation of Allah Almighty’s transcendence, the establishment on the Throne, and the Ash’ari declares him (Al-Ghazali) as a disbeliever, claiming that he (Al-Ghazali) imitates.”[[10]]

Abdul Wahab ibn Abdul Wahid (known as Ibn al-Hanbali) (d. 536 AH)

He said in “Al-Risalah Al-Wadihah fi al-Radd ‘ala al-Ash’ariyyah” (J2p452): “Thus, the latest innovations are the emergence of the Ash’ari school and the takeover of their support by tyranny, worldly masters, and oppressors, who argue against what the Sharia dictates, such as Jahmiyyah, philosophy, addiction to oppression, and immorality; to inform that this innovation is the worst of innovations with its appearance in the end times, its spread in corrupt countries, riding on their destructive and impossible preachers, and their embellished speech, and in its essence is disbelief and misguidance. The time of this innovation is the worst of times, and its followers have corrupted the nation, and its preachers are the least religious of this sect.”

Muhammad ibn Abdul Malik Al-Karaji (532 AH)

He said in “Al-Fusul fi al-Usul”: “Whoever says: I am a Shafi’i in the Sharia, an Ash’ari in belief, we tell him: This is among the opposites, indeed it is apostasy, for Shafi’i was not Ash’ari in belief. And whoever says: I am a Hanbali in the branches, Mu’tazili in the fundamentals, we tell him: You have certainly gone astray from the straight path in what you assert, for Ahmad was not Mu’tazili in religion and ijtihad.”[[11]]

Al-Hasan ibn Muhammad Al-Khatib (d. 538 AH)

And Ibn al-Mubarrad in “Jama’ al-Juyush”: “Al-Hasan ibn Muhammad Al-Khatib was an imam, and he declared the Ash’aris as Zinadqah.”

Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdasi (d. 620 AH)

He said about them: “This is hypocrisy in the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and this is Zinadqah today, and this is to show the agreement of Muslims in their beliefs while concealing their disagreement with that, and this is the state of these people without any doubt, they are Zinadqah without any doubt, for there is no doubt that they show the glorification of the Mushaf by deceiving that the Quran is in them, and they believe internally that it contains nothing in them except paper and ink”[[12]]

And he said about Abu al-Hasan Al-Ash’ari(p.52): “It is amazing that their imam, who established this sect, was a man who was not known for his religion, nor piety, nor anything from the sciences of the Sharia at all, and he is not attributed with any knowledge except the condemned theology. They acknowledge that he stood for asceticism for forty years and then showed a return from it, after which nothing of him appeared except this sect. How can their minds conceive that Allah does not grant the recognition of the truth except through their enemy, and does not make guidance except with those who have no share in the knowledge of Islam and no stake in religion?”

And he said(p.34): “And they conceive in their minds that the truth is hidden from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his companions and their followers after them, and from the imams who have paved the way for the religion and followed their predecessors, and followed those after them – and the truth was concealed from them correctly – until the Ash’ari came, clarified it, and explained what was hidden from the Prophet ﷺ and his nation and exposed it; these are foolish minds and weak opinions; they conceive that the truth is lost from the Prophet ﷺ and the Ash’ari finds it and overlooks all the nation, and he alerts to it instead of them. And if they extend this to others; the rest of the disbelievers have associated their names with our Prophet ﷺ and his nation until they have gone astray from the right path and been led astray from the way , and their Sharia should not be the Sharia of Muhammad ﷺ and their religion should not be the religion of Islam because Islam is what Muhammad ﷺ brought, and this was only brought by the Ash’ari, and if they accept this and acknowledge it; they have entirely left Islam

And he said(p.52): “And not all the people of innovation are those who pretend to differ from what others believe, and not all like them are Zinadqah.”

And he said: “They told us: Have you found this misguidance and vile discourse with any of the predecessors except Your Leader to Hell, who opposes you from the straight path, who was not known for any virtue in the Sharia science nor for a pleasing religion, except the condemned theology, which has no goodness in it. He established asceticism for forty years,” [[12]]


Ibn Hazm (d. 456 AH)

He dedicated a chapter in “Al-Milal wa al-Nihal” (J4p155) and began discussing them, saying, “As for the Ash’aris, they were in Baghdad and Basra.”

Then he transmitted their statements and repeatedly declared them as disbelievers, and these are his phrases:

“This is true disbelief and contrary to Allah Almighty and all the people of Islam”(4/156)

“By Allah, this is greater than the saying of the Christians and I have entered into disbelief and polytheism”(4/157)

“And Al-Samnani said about his sheikhs from the Ash’aris… This is the exact word of his speech, letter by letter, and this is explicit disbelief and blatant polytheism… Then the accursed increased in disbelief… This is polytheism without any concealment”(4/158)

“And the text of Al-Samnani and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Furq in the beginning of his speech in the Book of Fundamentals… Allah Almighty about disbelieving this foolish person”(4/158)

“And Al-Baqalani said… This is mere disbelief”(4/159)

“Although their statements are not for Allah Almighty except a single word of foolish saying… They say to them, ‘The Quran is not, to us at all, the word of Allah Almighty,’ or ‘It is not the word of Allah Almighty,’ so if they say ‘It is not the word of Allah Almighty,’ they are disbelievers”(4/159)

“How can these ignorant people say that there is no word for Allah Almighty except their foolish statement, whereas this is cold and malicious disbelief”(4/159)

“And they all said that the Quran did not descend at all through Gabriel upon the heart of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, but rather it descended to him through something else, which is expressing the word of Allah and that the Quran is not in our hands at all except in this metaphor. We see it in the manuscripts, hear it from the reciters, read it in prayer, and memorize it in our hearts; it is not the Quran at all, nor anything of it is the word of Allah Almighty, but something else. And the word of Allah Almighty does not depart from His essence. Abu Muhammad said: This is among the greatest disbelief”(4/159)

“Therefore, this group’s statement in this matter is the ultimate disbelief in Allah Almighty, contradicting the Quran, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and all the people of Islam before the emergence of this cursed sect”(4/160)

“Al-Samnani said… This is the exact word of this deviant atheist letter by letter, and this is pure disbelief and stupidity… And also explicit disbelief in this cursed statement…”(4/161)

“Regarding this matter, Prince Mahmoud bin Sibtakin, the slave of Prince Al-Mu’minin and the owner of Kharas San, may Allah have mercy on him, ibn Furq, the sheikh of the Ash’aris, was killed. May Allah reward Mahmoud well for that and curse ibn Furq, his followers, and his adherents. Abu Muhammad said: They only carried them into blatant disbelief by their final statement against the guidance of Islam”(4/162)

Abu Ismail Al-Harawi (481 AH)

“Sheikh of Khorasan in his time. One of the great Hanbalis. He was proficient in language, memorious of hadith, exhibiting the Sunnah and calling to it. He was tested and oppressed”[[8]]

He transmitted statements – which came to us a short while ago – declaring their disbelief, using them as arguments.

Sharif Abu Ja’far Abdul Khaleq ibn Isa Al-Hashimi Al-Hanbali (411 AH – 470 AH) and the Hanbalis of His Time

In a gathering, he pointed to Al-Qushayri and those with him and said: “What reconciliation can there be between us? Reconciliation only happens between those who disagree on guardianship, or worldly matters, or disputes over ownership. As for these people: they claim that we are disbelievers, and we claim that anyone who does not believe what we believe is a disbeliever, so what reconciliation can there be between us?”[[9]]

The Hanbalis in the Time of Al-Ghazali (d. 505 AH)

Al-Ghazali said: “The Hanbalis declare the Ash’aris as disbelievers, claiming that he (the Ash’ari) lied about the affirmation of Allah Almighty’s transcendence, the establishment on the Throne, and the Ash’ari declares him (Al-Ghazali) as a disbeliever, claiming that he (Al-Ghazali) imitates.”[[10]]

Abdul Wahab ibn Abdul Wahid (known as Ibn al-Hanbali) (d. 536 AH)

He said in “Al-Risalah Al-Wadihah fi al-Radd ‘ala al-Ash’ariyyah” (J2p452): “Thus, the latest innovations are the emergence of the Ash’ari school and the takeover of their support by tyranny, worldly masters, and oppressors, who argue against what the Sharia dictates, such as Jahmiyyah, philosophy, addiction to oppression, and immorality; to inform that this innovation is the worst of innovations with its appearance in the end times, its spread in corrupt countries, riding on their destructive and impossible preachers, and their embellished speech, and in its essence is disbelief and misguidance. The time of this innovation is the worst of times, and its followers have corrupted the nation, and its preachers are the least religious of this sect.”

Muhammad ibn Abdul Malik Al-Karaji (532 AH)

He said in “Al-Fusul fi al-Usul”: “Whoever says: I am a Shafi’i in the Sharia, an Ash’ari in belief, we tell him: This is among the opposites, indeed it is apostasy, for Shafi’i was not Ash’ari in belief. And whoever says: I am a Hanbali in the branches, Mu’tazili in the fundamentals, we tell him: You have certainly gone astray from the straight path in what you assert, for Ahmad was not Mu’tazili in religion and ijtihad.”[[11]]

Al-Hasan ibn Muhammad Al-Khatib (d. 538 AH)

And Ibn al-Mubarrad in “Jama’ al-Juyush”: “Al-Hasan ibn Muhammad Al-Khatib was an imam, and he declared the Ash’aris as Zinadqah.”

Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdasi (d. 620 AH)

He said about them: “This is hypocrisy in the time of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and this is Zinadqah today, and this is to show the agreement of Muslims in their beliefs while concealing their disagreement with that, and this is the state of these people without any doubt, they are Zinadqah without any doubt, for there is no doubt that they show the glorification of the Mushaf by deceiving that the Quran is in them, and they believe internally that it contains nothing in them except paper and ink”[[12]]

And he said about Abu al-Hasan Al-Ash’ari(p.52): “It is amazing that their imam, who established this sect, was a man who was not known for his religion, nor piety, nor anything from the sciences of the Sharia at all, and he is not attributed with any knowledge except the condemned theology. They acknowledge that he stood for asceticism for forty years and then showed a return from it, after which nothing of him appeared except this sect. How can their minds conceive that Allah does not grant the recognition of the truth except through their enemy, and does not make guidance except with those who have no share in the knowledge of Islam and no stake in religion?”

And he said(p.34): “And they conceive in their minds that the truth is hidden from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his companions and their followers after them, and from the imams who have paved the way for the religion and followed their predecessors, and followed those after them – and the truth was concealed from them correctly – until the Ash’ari came, clarified it, and explained what was hidden from the Prophet ﷺ and his nation and exposed it; these are foolish minds and weak opinions; they conceive that the truth is lost from the Prophet ﷺ and the Ash’ari finds it and overlooks all the nation, and he alerts to it instead of them. And if they extend this to others; the rest of the disbelievers have associated their names with our Prophet ﷺ and his nation until they have gone astray from the right path and been led astray from the way, and their Sharia should not be the Sharia of Muhammad ﷺ and their religion should not be the religion of Islam because Islam is what Muhammad ﷺ brought, and this was only brought by the Ash’ari, and if they accept this and acknowledge it; they have entirely left Islam.”

And he said(p.52): “And not all the people of innovation are those who pretend to differ from what others believe, and not all like them are Zinadqah.”

And he said: “They told us: Have you found this misguidance and vile discourse with any of the predecessors except Your Leader to Hell, who opposes you from the straight path, who was not known for any virtue in the Sharia science nor for a pleasing religion, except the condemned theology, which has no goodness in it. He established asceticism for forty years,” [[12]]

Mahmoud bin Abi al-Qasim Al-Dashti (d. 661 AH)

He narrated in his book “Ithbat al-Hadd” the poem of Al-Daqaq, and concluded his book with it “Ithbat al-Hadd” (p.267):

“The Ash’aris are misguided Zinadqah brothers … from ‘Abd al-Uzza with Al-Lat,

They disbelieved in their lord, openly and in their statements … If you ponder over it, the articles are worse …

They deny that they affirmed their beginning with their actions … the beliefs of the people are from delusions.”

I said (Muhammad ibn Shams al-Din): “He transmitted it, concluding his book with it, and there is no doubt that it is the source of his declaration of the Ash’aris’ disbelief. He said in his book (p.180): ‘Whoever follows the school of the hadith scholars who are the people of Sunnah and the imams of Muslims and the scholars of Bayan believes and testifies: that whoever says: “There is no limit to Allah Almighty” meaning that Allah is everywhere, or “He did not establish Himself on the Throne as the common people have determined,” or that Allah is not a “person” nor a “thing,” or that Allah has no direction, nor has a place on earth; he has apostatized from the religion of Islam, and he has joined the polytheists, and he has disbelieved in Allah and His verses and what His Messenger ﷺ brought, may Allah exalt Him above what our opponents say with great elevation.'”

Abdul Sattar ibn Abdul Hamid Al-Maqdasi (679 AH)

“Sheikh, jurist, righteous, pious, son of the jurist Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdasi, jurist on Tawki and Mahar in the school. And he heard from: Sheikh Al-Muwafiq”[[12]]

Ibn Rajab narrated from him: “And the opponents watched and declared them as disbelievers. He was brave, and he burned against the Ash’aris.”[Dhayl Tabaqat al-Hanabali (J2p299)]

Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 AH)

He narrated himself in [Al-Tas’iniyah (1/118)]: “These two messengers brought us a document written by the judges Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Makhloof al-Maliki for them.” These are Ash’aris from the disciples of Al-‘Az bin Abdul Salam, so Ibn Taymiyyah sent a response to him. They returned and said: “Then they returned, and they did not bring any conclusive words except a request for presence. So I hardened the response for them, and I said to them in a loud voice: O mutators, O apostates from the Sharia, O Zinadqah, and many other words, then I stood up and requested to open the door and return to my place.”

And in [Al-Jami’ li Sirat Sheikh al-Islam (p.50)] it came that a group of the Damarrar sheikhs came towards Ibn Taymiyyah around the year (708 AH) and said to him: “O Master, we have charged you with words that we say to you, and we have sworn that none but us will look upon them: that you descend to them regarding the matter of the Throne and the matter of the Quran, and we take your words on this, we will stop the Sultan and say to him: This is what we have imprisoned Ibn Taymiyyah upon, he has returned from it, and we cut the document.”He said to them, the Sheikh: “Do you invite me to write in my handwriting that there is no deity above the Throne, nor is there a Quran in the Mushaf, nor is there speech of Allah on earth?!” He struck the ground with his turban, stood up, raised his head to the sky, and said: “O Allah, I bear witness that they are inviting me to declare disbelief in You and Your words and Your messengers, and that this is something I do.” Then he prayed upon them.

And he said: “Therefore, Sharif Al-Razi acknowledges that the dispute between them and the Mu’tazilah in the vision is close to the literalist, as he knows that these are truly the essence of the Mu’tazilah Jahmiyyah and their disabled state, and although their appearance is like the proponents of assertion as the Mu’tazilah, the Mu’tazilah upon verification are the true essence of their matter, the essence of the atheists who deny the names and attributes entirely. Even if they pretend to refute them and the atheists are the true essence of their matter, the true essence of those who deny the Creator entirely is for my life upon verification [Bayan Talbis al-Jahmiyyah (4/401)]

Their Mujtahid (jurist) Da’i is Declared a Disbeliever; the Rafidah: they are those who consider the companions to be disbelievers, or corrupt them by favoring someone other than Ali upon him (in the caliphate). And the Jahmiyyah: they are those who believe that Allah is not seated upon His Throne, and that the Quran written in the mushafs is not the literal word of Allah Almighty, but rather an expression thereof»[Ma’una ‘Ula al-Nahyi (11/436)]

Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Ali al-Bahooti al-Khalwati (d. 1088 AH)

He said: «The testimony of a Fasiq (sinner) is not accepted based on an action; like Zanan, Dayyuth, or based on belief; such as imitating in the creation of the Quran, or denying vision, or rejection, or defaming… Their Mujtahid is Declared a DisbelieverLike the belief that Allah is not seated upon His Throne, and that the Quran written in the mushafs is not the word of Allah, but rather an expression thereof»[Hashiyata ‘ala Intihā al-Iradat (7/249)]

Sulaiman bin Sahman al-Najdi (d. 1349 AH)

He said: «Al-Khallal said in the Sunnah, ‘Ali bin Isa informed me that the Hanbala reported from them, saying I heard Abu Abdullah say: (Whoever claims that Allah did not speak to Moses has disbelieved in Allah and denied the Quran. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ returned to him and commanded that he be subjected to a re-examination of his statement; if he repents, otherwise his neck will be struck).’ It ended. This is the statement of Imam Ahmad regarding those who deny the attribute of speech. How then, if he adds to that the denial of Allah’s exaltedness over His creation, His being seated upon His Throne, and his claim that He neither enters the world nor exits it, nor is He connected to it nor separate from it, nor does He communicate with it. Do you see that he doubts the kufr of these people» [Kashf al-Awham (p.73)]


Fourth: Positions of Some Contemporary Scholars

And I have distinguished them from the foregoing because their statements on the matter in some aspects require elaboration.

The Standing Committee signed by Abdullah bin Qudaa, Abdullah bin Ghudayan, Abdul Razzaq ‘Affifi, Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz

They said: «Whoever says: (We do not say: Allah is neither above nor below nor to the right nor to the left) is thereby opposing what is indicated by the Quran and Sunnah, and what all Muslims have agreed upon from the time of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, from the people of knowledge and faith. Therefore, the truth must be explained to him; If he persists, he is a disbeliever and apostate from Islam. Prayer is not valid behind him»[Fatwas of the Standing Committee – Group One (1/515)]


Abdul Aziz Ibn Baz (d. 1420 AH)

Ibn Baz was asked: «A discussion occurred between me and one of the brothers as follows: I asked him about the existence of Allah Almighty, and he said: Allah is not characterized by time nor by place. So I supported my argument with the saying of Allah ﷺ: ﴿الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى﴾ (“The Most Merciful has established Himself on the Throne”) Surah Taha 20:5. He said: You are a disbeliever; Allah is not in the heavens.»

He replied: «This man who said this to you, that Allah Almighty is not above the Throne, is a disbeliever; he is the misguided one; because he has denied Allah, and denied His Messenger ﷺ … Whoever says: Allah is not in the heavens, or is not above the Throne, is a disbeliever, misguided, Jahmiyyah, malicious»[[13]]

And he said: «Whoever says: (Allah is neither above nor below) is a disbeliever. He is above. Allah Almighty said: ﴿الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى﴾ (“The Most Merciful has established Himself on the Throne”) and ﴿إِنَّ رَبَّكُمُ اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ﴾ (“Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne”)»[[14]]

Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (d. 1421 AH)

Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: «This group includes a disbeliever, a sinful person, and an excused person; they differ. We cannot apply one ruling to all. A disbeliever is one who knew the truth and insisted on opposing it and denied it; a sinful person is someone who is less than that, meaning close but has a doubt; and an excused person is one who exerted effort but his juristic reasoning only reached this point. There are things where juristic reasoning is not applicable, clear and obvious matters where we cannot say there is room for reasoning. The one who disagrees with these is stubborn, for example: ﴿ثم استوى على العرش﴾ (“Then He established Himself on the Throne”). If he says: (I only understand ‘established’ to mean ‘occupied’), what do we say about this person: Do we say he is stubborn or do we say he is excused ? Stubborn, undoubtedly»[[15]]

And he said: «Imam Abu Hanifa, may Allah have mercy on him, clearly stated that whoever does not acknowledge Allah’s exaltedness and His comprehensive knowledge, he is a disbeliever without doubt in his kufr. This indicates that he is certainly a disbeliever. Ibn al-Qayyim praised him by saying (Allah is nearer to you than your jugular vein) which indicates Ibn al-Qayyim’s approval of this statement, and it is correct; for one who denies Allah’s exaltedness is denying the Quran and Sunnah and the consensus of the Salaf, and is opposing what is reasonable and what people have assumed.»[[16]]

Saleh Al-Fawzan

He said: «Waki’ said: “We have caught up with al-A’mash and Sufyan who report these hadiths [meaning: hadiths of attributes] and do not deny them… ” It ended. And it is only the innovators among the Jahmiyyah, the Mu’tazilah, and the Ash’ariyyah who deny them, those who followed the polytheistic methodology of the Quraysh, who declare kufr by ‘Ar-Rahman’ (The Most Merciful), and atheist in the names of Allah»[Kitab al-Irshad ila Sahih al-I’tiqad wa al-Radd ‘ala Ahl al-Shirk wa al-Ilhad (p.144)] [[17]]

Al-Fawzan was asked: «What is the ruling on someone who says: ‘Allah exists without a place’»
He replied: «This is a denial of exaltedness; this denies exaltedness. Allah is above the heavens, above the Throne, as He has declared Himself. Allah has declared that He is in exaltedness. This belief must be affirmed; whoever denies this is not a believer in Allah.» [[18]]


Abdullah Al-Ghunayman

He said: “As for the speech that is with letters and words, the people of innovation (Ahl al-Bid’ah) unanimously agree that Allah is not described with it. The Ash’arites, the Kullabiyyah, and their origin, the Mu’tazilites, the Jahmites, and other deviant sects, all agree on this.” He further said: “And with this, they agree with their brothers, even their teachers, the Mu’tazilites, that the Qur’an is created, and this is disbelief in Allah, the Almighty.” [Sharh al-Wasitiya (10/2)].

Ahmad Al-Qaymi Al-Hanbali

He said in a lecture: “Ibn al-Najjar said: ‘The Jahmites are those who believe that Allah is not established on His Throne.’ And this, as Sheikh Ba Bateen said, ‘has become widespread’… Here, by the grace of Allah, we hardly find anyone who says: ‘Allah is not established on His Throne’ in many cities, but outside Saudi Arabia, there are those who hold this belief, and according to the madhhab (school of thought), prayer behind them is not valid. Sheikh Ba Bateen says: ‘This calamity has spread widely, especially concerning these two issues’ – the two issues he refers to are the words of Ibn al-Najjar – he says: ‘The Jahmites’ and their extension now is the Ash’arites, and in some of their beliefs, they align with the Jahmites. Ibn al-Najjar said: ‘They are those who say that Allah is not established on His Throne and that the Qur’an written before us is not the Word of Allah, but rather an expression of it.'” [[19]].

Badr bin Tami Al-Utaybi

The questioner: “Sheikh, do you consider the Ash’arites to be disbelievers?” The Sheikh: “They are of two categories: Jahmites who are disbelievers, and innovators who are misguided.” The questioner: “Is this distinction based on the earlier and later Ash’arites or what?” The Sheikh: “They are misinterpreters (Mu’awwilah); whoever follows the path of the Jahmites is one of them, and whoever follows the path of Ibn Kullab is an innovator.” [[20]].

Sultan Al-Umayri

He was asked: “Do we consider the Ash’arites to be disbelievers after the proof has been established?” He answered: “Yes, if the proof is established and the doubt is removed, they are disbelievers because many of their statements constitute disbelief in the Sharia.” [[21]].


Fifth: Those Who Reported the Disagreement Regarding Their Disbelief Among the Contemporaries

Waleed Al-Sa’idan

In a fatwa, he said: “What is established in the principles is that discretionary takfir (declaring someone a disbeliever) is not binding on others. By discretionary takfir, we mean declaring someone a disbeliever where there is a disagreement between you and others from Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, such as the takfir of the Ash’arites, for example. Ahl al-Sunnah disagree on this point. Or the takfir of a particular group without mentioning names. If someone from Ahl al-Sunnah, whose disagreement is considered, differs with you in declaring this group disbelievers, you have no right to compel them to accept the results of your discretionary takfir. It is necessary to research this group. Have Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah agreed on declaring them disbelievers, or is the takfir still an issue of disagreement among Ahl al-Sunnah? If Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah have agreed on their takfir, then it is not permissible to go against the consensus… But if Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah differ on their takfir, then you exercise your judgment regarding them, worshipping Allah, the Exalted, based on what your judgment has led you to conclude about them. However, it is not permissible for you to force your brother to accept the results of your judgment. The same applies to discretionary tabdi’ (declaring someone an innovator).” [[22]].

Sulayman Al-Alwan

He said: “Ahl al-Sunnah differ on the takfir of the Ash’arites, contrary to what has been reported by some of the later scholars, claiming that Ahl al-Sunnah do not declare the Ash’arites disbelievers. This is an incorrect transmission. It is true that most of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah do not declare the Ash’arites disbelievers, but there are groups that do declare the Ash’arites disbelievers.” [[23]].

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[[17]] https://archive.org/details/20230121_20230121_2116

[[18]] https://archive.org/details/202301k8

[[19]] https://archive.org/details/20230121_207

[[20]] https://archive.org/details/20230105_20230121

[[21]] https://archive.org/details/202302104

[[22]] https://archive.org/details/20230121_2106

[[23]] https://archive.org/details/202301205

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