Did Mujahid ibn Jabr deny the vision of Allah on the Day of Judgment?

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وعلى آله ومن والاه، وبعد:

It is authentically reported from Mujahid that he interpreted {Nadhira} as “expecting”

Al-Tabari narrated in his Tafsir for the verse {Wujoohun yawma’idhin nadhira * Ila rabbiha nadhira} from “Waki’ from Sufyan from Mansur from Mujahid: (Ila rabbiha nadhira) he said: waiting for the reward from their Lord.”

This is authentically reported from Mujahid ibn Jabr, may Allah have mercy on him. Does this imply his denial of seeing Allah on the Day of Judgment?

Those who accuse Mujahid of denying the vision cannot use this narration as evidence, as it is merely an interpretation of a verse, and it does not contain a denial of the vision, which is established in other places.

In fact, it aligns with affirming the vision, as explained by Imam al-Darimi. He said: “One of them [the Jahmiyya] argued with Mujahid’s statement: {Wujoohun yawma’idhin nadhira * Ila rabbiha nadhira} [Al-Qiyamah: 23], saying: they are waiting for the reward from their Lord. We said: Yes, they are waiting for the reward from their Lord, and there is no greater reward than looking at His Blessed and Exalted Face.” [Al-Radd ‘ala al-Jahmiyya by al-Darimi, p. 128]

However, there are narrations that explicitly state his denial of the vision

Al-Tabari said:

“Ibn Humayd narrated to us, saying: Thana Mehran, from Sufyan, from Mansur, from Mujahid (Ila rabbiha nadhira) he said: waiting for the reward from their Lord, no one of His creation will see Him.” [Tafsir al-Tabari 24/72]

“Ibn Humayd narrated to us, saying: Thana Jarir, from Mansur, from Mujahid. He said: Some people would say in a hadith: ‘And they will see their Lord,’ so I asked Mujahid: Some people say He will be seen, and he replied: He is seen, but none of His creation will see Him.” [Tafsir al-Tabari 24/73]

These two narrations were exclusively reported by Ibn Humayd, who is “Muhammad ibn Humayd al-Tamimi al-Razi.”

– Ahmad ibn Hanbal: “Ibn Warah said to him: O Abu Abdillah, have you seen Muhammad ibn Humayd? He replied: Yes. He asked: How do you find his hadith? He replied: When he narrates from the Iraqis, he comes with reliable narrations. But when he narrates from the people of his region, such as Ibrahim ibn al-Mukhtar, he brings things that are unknown, things that cannot be recognized. Then Abu Zur’ah and Ibn Warah said: It is confirmed for us that he lies.” [Al-Majroohin by Ibn Hibban, vol. 2, p. 321]

– Al-Bukhari said: “He is questionable.” [Al-Tarikh al-Kabir by Al-Bukhari 1/69]

– Al-‘Aqeeli said: “Abu Zur’ah and Muhammad ibn Muslim wrote a great deal from Muhammad ibn Humayd, then abandoned narrating from him.” [Al-Du’afa al-Kabir by Al-‘Aqeeli, 4/61]

– Ibn Hibban said: “He would narrate things from trustworthy narrators that are flipped (fabricated).” [Al-Majroohin by Ibn Hibban, vol. 2, p. 321]

– Ibn al-Qaysarani said: “Ibn Humayd is abandoned in hadith.” [Dhakhira al-Huffaz, 4/2163]

Thus, it is not permissible to use this as evidence at all.

Denying the vision of Allah is an act of disbelief, so how can a noble Tabi’i be accused of a statement of disbelief – even if disbelief is not ascribed to him – without clear proof?

There are also narrations from Mujahid affirming the vision

1- Al-Lalakai narrated: “Abd al-Rahman said: Thana my father, saying: Thana Abd al-Rahman ibn Khalaf al-Raqi, saying: Thana Mu’ammal ibn Ismail, saying: Thana Hammad ibn Salama, from Layth, from Mujahid: {Lil-ladheena ahsanoo al-husna} he said: Al-Husna is Paradise, and Al-Ziyada (the increase) is looking at their Lord.” [Sharh Usool I’tiqad Ahl al-Sunnah, vol. 3, p. 512]

This narration’s flaw is the unknown status of Abu Hatim’s Shaykh, but Ibn Abi Hatim usually does not narrate from unknown or weak narrators. Shaykh Abdullah al-Khalifi explained in an article that the narrator is “Abd al-Rahman ibn Khalid al-Qattan al-Raqi,” and the rest of the chain is not problematic. As for Layth, I have shown the authenticity of his narration from Mujahid in Tafsir in my article “The Praiseworthy Station

2- He also said: “Abd al-Rahman said: Thana Hammad ibn Muhammad ibn Yazid ibn Muslim al-Ansari, saying: Thana Mu’ammal, saying: Thana Ibrahim ibn Yazid al-Makki, from Al-Walid ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Mughith, from Mujahid, in the verse {Wujoohun yawma’idhin nadhira} he said: Beautiful {Ila rabbiha nadhira} said: Looking at their Lord, Blessed and Exalted.” [Sharh Usool I’tiqad Ahl al-Sunnah, vol. 3, p. 515]

3- He also said: “Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Umar al-Muqri narrated to us, saying: Thana Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hajjaj, saying: Thana Nasr ibn Abd al-Malik, saying: Thana Ibrahim ibn Abi al-Layth, saying: Thana al-Ashja’i, from Sufyan, from Mansur, from Mujahid, he said: {Wujoohun yawma’idhin nadhira} [Al-Qiyamah: 22] said: ‘Looking at their Lord.'” [Sharh Usool I’tiqad Ahl al-Sunnah, vol. 3, p. 515]

Though these narrations have some discussion, their multiplicity and the support of more authentic narrations (as will follow) make them considerable.


Ishaq ibn Rahwayh said: Jareer narrated to us, from Mansur. He said: Some people would say in a hadith: They will see their Lord. So I asked Mujahid: Some people say He will be seen. He replied: Do you not hear the words of Allah, Exalted and Glorified: {Wujoohun yawma’idhin nadhira} [Al-Qiyamah: 22] says: “Radiant with joy looking at their Lord.” [Musnad Ishaq ibn Rahwayh, vol. 3, p. 796] and it was transmitted by Ibn al-Muhibb in [Sifat Rabb al-‘Alamin, vol. 4, p. 1489]

– Jarir is ibn Abd al-Hamid al-Dhabbi: Al-Nasa’i, Ibn Abi Hatim, and Al-Ajli declared him trustworthy, and Al-Lalakai said: He is unanimously considered trustworthy. [Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, vol. 2, p. 586]. Although some have criticized him, the correct view is that he is trustworthy.

– Mansur is ibn al-Mu’tamir: Abu Hatim said: He is trustworthy. Yahya ibn Sa’id said: Mansur from Mujahid is more reliable than Ibn Abi Naji from Mujahid. [Al-Kamal fi Asma’ al-Rijal, vol. 9, p. 37]

Thus, the chain is authentic.

If it is said: (He did not interpret the word “Nadhira” here), the answer is: He took it at its apparent meaning to refute those who denied the vision.

Abdullah ibn Ahmad reported this narration – without the question directed to Mujahid – and included it in refuting the Jahmiyyah under the chapter “What the Jahmiyyah denied regarding the vision of the Lord, Exalted, on the Day of Judgment” and in the chapter “Refuting the Jahmiyyah.”

Thus, the accusation against Mujahid is cleared of this charge promoted by the Mu’tazila and others.

All praise is due to Allah.

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Did Mujahid ibn Jabr deny the vision of Allah on the Day of Judgment?
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